Gerry Kirk

We do Agile, but Where is the Quality?

This post is an assemble of notes from sessions at Agile 2008, including Paving the Way for Agile Testing, Expanding Agile Horizons, The Five Dimensions of Systems by Mary Poppendieck, Natural Laws of Software Development – Deriving Agile Practices by Ron Jeffries & Chet Hendrickson plus keynotes from Uncle Bob Martin (Quintessence) and Alan Cooper (The Wisdom of Experience).

There is plenty more to consider than what is written here to on the topic of quality, of course, but these stood out for me in the sessions I attended.

Do the Engineering Fundamentals

Of all the things I heard at the conference, these were repeated again and again, in varying contexts. Why? They are proven to work. Bob Martin argued that these should be embodied in the Agile Manifesto by adding a 5th Value: Craftmanship over Execution. He argued that those who work in software development need to take more pride in their work, and insist on doing the things that must be done produce quality work.


Test-Driven Development

Continous Integration

Acceptance Tests

Need Technical Leadership

From Lean thinking: have a development manager, someone who is a technical leader who is responsible for successful engineering practices. I see this person overseeing the use of the engineering fundamentals listed above. There needs to be leadership in our teams, from both a technical and management perspectives.

Definition of Done is Foundational

Everyone on the team, as well as the client, needs to agree on when a story is considered complete.

Specialized Testers Can Ask Questions that Need to be Asked

  1. Actively seek out defects
  2. Provide feedback, saves time
  3. Test-specific knowledge and techniques, can help others to test better.
  4. Good at asking questions during iteration planning
  5. Can offer feedback on documents and unit tests
  6. Can assist customer in translating requirements into acceptance criteria, writing acceptance scripts

At Menlo Innovations, QAs spend their time (in order of time spent):

  1. Asking questions
  2. Understanding user needs
  3. Understanding development implications
  4. Do some testing

Interaction Designers Can Turn Raw Data Into Useful Requirements

Alan Cooper argued that interaction designers (ID) bring an essential element to the team’s success:

Other Tidbits