Gerry Kirk

Plone 1% manifesto

photo (CC) mrtopf on

Lately I’ve been coaching a team with the talented Jordan Baker and Rob Jackiewicz of Scryent, the driving force behind Plone in the Toronto area. When they left for the just finished Plone Conference 2009, I wished I was going with them, not so much because of Plone (though I did watch some of the talks online – 4.0 looks awesome thanks to Dexterity and Deco) but because of the amazing community that surrounds the product.

Last May I shared a commitment to give 1% of all Plone-related earnings this year to the Plone Foundation. I was inspired to give after reconnecting with friends in the Plone community at the 2009 Plone Symposium East, as a way to give back to a community that has given me so much.

Time to tally up the total thus far me thought, and to some surprise discovered most of my coaching work this year has Plone connections: Web Collective, training at Plone Symposium East, Good Steward who attended the training, and now Scryent.

That 1% is now over $500, with two months left in the year. Looking forward to leaving a cheque in the Foundation’s Christmas stocking.

If you are looking for a financial way to give back, come join me in this manifesto.

The future of Plone looks bright because there are caring, talented, committed people behind it. Hope to see some of you again, maybe at the next North American Symposium.